Last summer I spent fifty days at sea with UK Sail Training charities, where through the challenges of offshore sailing, the transformation of young people takes place. These paintings capture a snapshot of this time at sea; a parade after a leg of the Tall Ships Race in Cádiz, battling stormy weather in the Solent, and a quiet moment with the Bosun sharing knowledge of knot tying.
My personal transition from a crew trainee five years ago to sea staff enables me to understand first-hand the benefits time onboard a UK Sail Training vessel can have. Sail Training is for everyone; the young people I sailed with were aged 11-17, from diverse backgrounds and with differing abilities. Absorbed in a completely different pace and way of life, a voyage empowers trainees, and through learning new skills develops confidence, leadership, and teamwork.
This unique environment acts as a magnified reflection of society. A small-scale community, where in isolation, the natural environment, vessel, and people unite, making apparent what it can mean to be human: communication, collaboration, and tolerance.
Thank you to Cirdan Sailing Trust, The Island Trust, Morning Star Trust, Challenge Wales, the Sea Staff onboard and all the amazing young people I met.